Home General Studies Ancient History of India
Ancient History of India Notes for IAS/PCS, Banking, IBPS, SSC & Railway etc

Pre-history or Stone Age (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic)
History is divided into pre-history, proto-history, and history. Events that occurred before the invention of writing are considered part of pre-history, which is gene...

Indus Valley Civilisation (Harappan civilisation)
The Indus Valley Civilization was established around 3300 BC, it flourished between 2600 BC and 1900 BC (Mature Indus Valley Civilization) and started to decline around 1900 BC and...

The age of the Vedic Civilization (1500 BC and 600 BC)
The age of the Vedic Civilization was between 1500 BC and 600 BC. The Vedas give information about this era and it starts from the time of the Aryans or Indo-Aryans. ...

Vedic Literature (Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda & Atharvaveda)
The Vedas are said to have been passed on from one generation to the next through verbal transmission and are, therefore, also known as Shruti (to hear) or revelation (communicating di...

Buddhism (Gautama Buddha, Schools of Buddhism)
Buddhism was founded by Gautam Buddha in 6th century BC, he was the son of Suddhodhan (king of Sakya republic) and Mayadevi (Koliyan Clan). Buddha...

Jainism (Vardhaman Mahavira, Digambara, Svetambara etc)
Jainism is one of the world's oldest continuously-practiced religions. It traces its spiritual ideas and history through a succession of twenty-four leaders or Tirthankaras, ...

Mahajanapadas with their capital and modern day location
The Mahajanapada were sixteen kingdoms or oligarchic republics that existed in Northern ancient India from the 600-400 BCE during the second urbanisation period. Sixteen stat...

Important Dynasties and Kingdoms of India (Founder & Capital)
India has a very interesting history which has witnessed the rise and fall of various dynasties. Here is a list of Important Dynasties and Kingdoms of India, their Founder and Capital....

Chronology of Important events in Ancient Indian History
Chronologically, Indian History can be classified into three periods - Ancient India, Medieval India and Modern India. Here is a list of most important events of Ancient Indian History, sorted i...

Edicts of Ashoka (Minor & Major Rock and Pillar Edicts)
The Edicts of Ashoka are a collection of 33 inscriptions on the pillars, as well as boulders and cave walls, attributed to Emperor Ashoka (268 BC to 232 BC) of the Mauryan Empire. ...

Officers under the Maurya Empire (322-185 BC)
The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive Iron Age historical power based in Magadha and founded by Chandragupta Maurya, which dominated the Indian subcontinent between 322 and 185 BCE...

Popular Dance Forms in India (Folk & Classical)
Dance in India comprises numerous styles of dances, generally classified as classical or folk. As with other aspects of Indian culture, different forms of dances originated in dif...

Officers under the Gupta Empire (319 to 467 AD)
The Gupta Empire was an ancient Indian empire existing from the mid-to-late 3rd century CE to 543 CE. At its zenith, from approximately 319 to 467 CE, it covered much of the Indian subcontinent....

Music of India (Classical, Folk, Rock, and pop etc)
Indian music encompasses numerous genres in multiple varieties and forms which include classical music, folk (Bollywood), rock, and pop. It has a history spanning several millenni...

Books written in Ancient Indian and their Authors
Ancient India has a rich history of literature and writing, with many notable authors and works spanning a wide range of genres and subjects. Here are a few examples of books writt...